Premier Hotels Crema: Premier Hotels Crema wins its nineth match against Famigliulo Corigliano. Luca Monti starts from the beginning with recovered Saitta and with spiker Martin Jankovic. The beginning of the match is very tight but then Crema scores with Martino its first break and goes ahead 19-11. Corigliano reacts and they are able to reach Crema at 21-21. At the end Crema is able to close the sets in its favour especially thanks to Maric. In the second set Corigliano starts very well and and at the second time out they are ahead 12-16 then Crema starts to recover point by point and slowly recovers the gap and the boys are able to wins also the second set. Ahead 2-0 Crema starts very strongly the third set and reach easilly 12-4. No problem for Crema to keep the advantage and close the set 25-14 and get the three points. Now coach Monti has one week to prepare at the best the big match of next Sunday against Castellana.