Marmi Lanza Verona: Marmi Lanza Verona lost 3-1 at the PalaBianchini against Latina. Verona now is at the last position of the standing with 1 point conquered in the home match against Trento.
Luca Caliaro is the coach of the team after Massimo Dagioni has been fired. Verona starts with Boninfante setter, Gato opposite, Bernardi and Pistovic spikers, Bontje and Birarelli middleblockers and Sorcinelli libero.
Marmi Lanza starts really well and goes ahead 1-4. At the first time out the team is ahead 3-8. The break is till on at the end of the second time out when Verona is ahead 10-17 thanks especially to a great performance of Gato. The set seems to go in Verona hands but Latina does not give up. But at the end is Marmi Lanza that wins the set 20-25.
The second set is very tight: at the first time out the score is 8-7. But at the seond time out is Latina to score an important break and the team is now ahead 16-12. Latina keeps playing and the set goes to them for 25-19.
Good start for Latina also in the fourth set: 4-1 – 7-3 and 8-4. The set is very tight and the score arrives to 19-19. Too many errors for Verona and at the end Latina closes the set 27-25.
Also the fourth set is very tight until the second time out then Latina scores a break and wins the set 25-18.

Gian Paolo Zaffani
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