Framasil Cucine Pineto: Framasil loses at home aganst Abasan Bari at the tiebreak in a match where Bari shows their real value and not the one according to the current postition of the standing. Pineto has not been able to find the right rithim and the best game but it is worth pointing out that Bari deserved to win because they played a great match and deserved to win at the tiebreak.
For Framasil the standing is pretty much the same: still the 5th position but now it is time to show a great reaction against Milano.

FRAMASIL CUCINE PINETO – ABASAN BARI 2-3 (25-23, 18-25, 25-20, 21-25, 7-15 ).

Sets lenght: 26′, 25′, 27′, 29′, 13′.

Framasil Cucine Pineto: Guidone ne, Medori, Leone ne, Mancini, Ronaldo 4, Sborgia 18, Beltran 3, Russo 16, Bergamo 5, Cacchiarelli (L), Zago 16, Baldasseroni 9.
Coach: Fracascia.

Abasan Bari: Matheus 25, Joao Paolo 6, Astolfi 6, Enoch 21, Valente 14, Viva (L), Gallotta, Capra, Coscione, Battilotti, Minafra, Saccardi.
Coach: Lorizio.

Referees: Cappello and Tanasi.

Serves (errors/aces):
Framasil Cucine Pineto 10/2 ,
Abasan Bari14/5 .

Framasil Cucine Pineto 13
Abasan Bari 13.