Premier Hotels Crema: Crema enters in the history! By beating 3-1 Salento d’Amare Taviano the Blues achieved the play off finals valid for a spot in A1. Another great pride match for Luca Monti’s boys that, after losing the first set, showed a great reaction and conquered the victory. The Pala Bertoni was sold out and the crowd gave a big help to the team. After losing the first set 20-25, Crema was behind also in the second 7-12. But at this point Premier Hotels scores a 9-3 break and goes ahead for the first time in the match. Second set goes in Crema’s hands. The third set sees the Blues ahead since the beginning. Crema reaches 19-7. Even if Salento tries to recover the set finishes 25-20 for Crema. The fourth set is to suffer for. Both teams play point to point up to 21-23 that feels like the tie break is close. But Premier Hotels is not without heart. Capitain Egeste before and Cazzaniga after turn the match in Crema advantage and eventually a Salento attack mistake gives the victory to Crema and let the PalaBertoni explodes.
Finals Game 1 is scheduled on the 13th May at 5.15PM live on SKY Sport Extra.
In the meantime Crema’s DS Alberto Gavazzi and the whole Club would like to deny the news showed today in a sport magazine according to which there is an agreement between Crema and Vibo Valentia for the next season. “Despite the very good relationships between me and Pippo Calippo, I can’t meet the Vibo Valentia ambitious project. For the next season I will keep staying in Crema.”

20-25 25-22 25-20 25-23

Sets lenght: 22’ 26’ 24’ 28’

PREMIER HOTELS CREMA – Cazzaniga19 , Cetrullo ne, Egeste 4, Crosatti ne, Finazzi 3, Caprotti (L), Mozzana 0, Travica 7, Jankovic 12, Burgsthaler 0, Yoko 14, Canzanella. Coach: Luca Monti.

Serves errors 14, Aces 2, Blocks 15

SALENTO D’AMARE TAVIANO – Rodrigues 16, Popp 11, Pesenti (L), Pierini 0, Postiglioni 10, Fiore 1, Paolucci 2, La Forgia 1, Cosi 0, Belardi 7, Ereu 16.
Coach: Flavio Gulinelli.

Serves errors 21, Aces 4, Blocks 10

Referees: Piersanti Francesco and Rosetti Marco

Andrea Mombelli
Press Office Pallavolo Reima Crema