Premier Hotels Crema: After two losses in the previous direct matches, Premier Hotels finally can beat Salento d’amare taviano. Crema playing very well in the first set and also thanks to a great Cazzaniga close the set in its favour for 25-22. In the second set is for Taviano 25-21. Third set looks like the first: Crema ahead 11-5 and able to close the set for 25-23. In the fourth set Taviano fights back and wins 25-20. The tiebreak starts clearly in favour of Crema that goes ahead 8-0 and close the set and the match 15-8.

Sets: 25-22 21-25 25-23 20-25 15-7

PREMIER HOTELS CREMA – Cazzaniga 28, Cetrullo ne, Egeste 8, Crosatti ne, Finazzi 7, Caprotti (L), Mozzana 0, Travica 6, Jankovic ne, Burgsthaler 0, Yoko 19, Canzanella 12. Coach: Luca Monti.
Serves Errors 16, Aces 6, Blocks 12

SALENTO D’AMARE TAVIANO – Rodrigues 16, Popp 9, Pesenti (L), Pierini 0, Postiglioni 10, Fiore 2, Paolucci 2, La Forgia 0, Cosi 1, Belardi 7, Ereu 20. Coach: Flavio Gulinelli.
Serves Errors 9, Aces 6, Blocks 7

Referees: Massimo Amati e Giuseppe Piluso

Andrea Mombelli
Press Office Premier Hotels Reima Crema