Carige Copra Genova: Salento d’Amare Taviano 3
* Carige Copra Genova 0
(Sets 21-25, 23-25, 22-25)
Carige Copra: Depalma, Toppel 11, Manassero 12, Belaid 3, Tagliatti 8, Tomassetti 7, Romero (L), Gonzalez 3, Ciappi 3, Furfaro. N.e. Valenti, Zunino. Coach: Mosca.
Salento d’Amare: Paolucci 1, Rodrigues 15, Popp, 7 Ereu 15, Belardi 6, Postiglioni 9, Pesenti (L), Pierini, Fiore, La Forgia 1. N.e. Cosi. Coach: Gulinelli.
Referees: Alessandro Guerra di Napoli and Silvano Valeriani from Rome. Notes: Crowd: 555. Aces: Carige 2, Salento 1. ServesErrors: Carige 7, Salento 10. Blocks: Carige 8, Salento 13.
Carige Copra surrender against a super Taviano and stops its run towards safety. The biancoblu get close to a victory in every set, but big mistakes in crucial moments allow the pugliesi to close the match in their favour.
Mosca’s team has now only on point advantage on Mantova, who won with Arezzo, and 2 on Spoleto, defeated in Tarnato. And sunday there will be the direct match against Mantova.
Mosca started with the players winners in Spoleto. On the other side Gulinelli gave trust to the Coppa Italia winners.
The beginning is very tight (8-7, 16-15) with Carige good to keep close to the opponents. But the Pugliesi, carried by Ereu and Rodrigues, reach 18-15 first and 20-17 after. Carige get back up to 20-21 but a couple of mistakes let Tavian close the set.
Also the second set goes point to point up to the 16-14 for Taviano, In the end of the set Salento finds again the way to score a breack and reaches 24-21. Also this time Carige was able to recover up to 23-24 but Rodrigues closes the set with a winning attack.
Third set looked good for the hosted team, ahead 8-4 and 16-10. Mosca puts in Gonzalez and Ciappi. Carige proudly gets back and thanks to Romero defenses reachs 21-20! But again a couple of errors and Ciappi net fault get the vicotry in Salento hands.

Paolo Noli
Press Office
Carige Copra Genova