Itas Diatec Trentino: Sunday Trento will play the last match of the regular season against Marma Lanza Verona.

Trento is already sure of the playoff and they are waiting for the opponent at the playoff quarters final.

First match of Itas will be play on Sunday the 9th of April, away from home. Game 2 scheduled at the PalaTrento on saturday 15th April.

About next sunday match Marco Meoni says: “We need to face the match with great determination because it is the last official test we have before the playoff. We are happy of what we did in the regular season and we are working to arrive at the best possible condition for the Playoff, no matter if we will play against Modena or Treviso.”

Starting from Monday 10 April tickets of Game 2 of the play off will be on sale.

Trento, 31 March 2006
Trentino Volley S.p.A.

For more informations:
Lanfranco Dallari, Marketing & Comunication Società Trentino Volley
Tel 0461-421377, e-mail: