Abasan Bari: PALLAVOLO, SERIE A/2: Abasan Bari-Modugno/Noicattaro Volley 3-0
(30-28; 25-20; 25-17)

Abasan Bari wins the match against Modugno/Noicattaro but does not smile too much because of the heavy injury for Josè Matheus, one of its best players. For the Venetuelan opposite the season is over for the legament injury occoured.
The injury puts in second place the great performance of the President Vastano boys, that confirmed the progresses showed in the last weeks. And one again to carry the team is an amazing match of Junior Paulino Enoch, top-scorer with 17 points.
Bari starts the match with Astolfi setter, Matheus opposite, Valente and Joao Paulo middleblocker, Battilotti and Enoch spikers, Viva libero.
Modugno/Noicattaro with Meriggioli setter, Nuzzo opposite, Lamoise and Stangoni middleblockers, Durante and Olteanu spikers, Roganti libero.
First set fought point to point with Modugno/Noicattaro able to reach 24-22 and to serve for the set. But Bari does not give up, the boys recover the score and fight with spirit and determination and eventually win the set with the score of 30-28.
Great start for Bari in the second set. Lorizio’s boys fly to 10-3. The set seems over but Abasan Bari is not able to handle the advantage and Nuzzo and teammates are able to get back in the set in the final phase of it. But Josè Matheus scores 3 consecutive points and basically give the victory of the second set to Bari.
In the third set good start for Modugno, that goes 6-3, but Lorizio boys do not want to give up and tie the score up to 6-6. From that moment Bari does not make any other mistake and close the set 25-17 and wins the match 3-0. Next match against Santa Croce.

Here after the score of the match:
ABASAN BARI-MODUGNO/NOICATTARO V. 3 -0 (30-28; 25-20; 25-17)

ABASAN BARI: Matheus 12, Joao Paulo 11, Astolfi 3, Enoch 17, Valente 9, Viva (L), Gallotta 2, Capra 9, Coscione n.e., Minafra, Battilotti.
Coach: Lorizio

MODUGNO/NOICATTARO VOLLEY: Orel, Roganti (L), Olteanu 10, Mirizzi n.e., Lamoise 7, Meriggioli 5, Durante 7, Nuzzo 9, Santià, Giosa 1, Stangoni 2..
Coach: Mastrangelo.

Referees: Balboni and Cerquoni

Crowd: 600

Bari: serves errors 8, aces 8, blocks 9

Modugno/Noicattaro: serves errors 5, aces 1, blocks 9

Sets lenght: 35’, 33’, 25’

Roberto Colella, Press Office Abasan Bari
Cell. 329-7451774; e-mail: roberto.colella@barivolley.com