Marmi Lanza Verona: Marmi Lanza Verona golden moment is still on with the 9th consecutive victory. The last “victim” is Perugia out from the PalaOlimpia with zero points. Coach Caponeri’team could nothing against the gialloblù that could count on Bernardi who played one of its best matches since his arrival in Verona; he lighted up the whole crowd with amazing points and a defense, in the fourth set, from almost the first seats raw. “It has been more difficult than what it seemed” Bernardi said after the match “I think we played one of our best match against Perugia, especially thinking about at the direct matches to get a spot in the play off. This was the best way to start the last five matches”
Verona will be back at work tomorrow to start the preparation for the match against Vibo Valentia. Bernardi point out that “now we have a very difficult away from home match and we will surely try to do our best. From now on we have 4 very important matches: Vibo, Cuneo, Modena and Trento. If you win one you go ahead a lot but if you lose one you go back a lot. That’s why we need to play our best volleyball and try to get points in every match”.
At the end of the match Bernardi has been voted MVP of the match but he says: “It doesn’t matter, what does matter is the team result. I’m feeling phisically well, very well. I think that the job done by the new athletic preparato can be seen also on the other players and it’s crucial now”.

It will start tomorro, tuesday, Marmi Lanza Verona preparation for the next sunday match against Tonno Callipo Vibo Valentia. The gialloblù will train tomorrow morning from 9.30 to 12.00 and after lunch from 4.30 to 7.00.
Wednesday afternoon trainning from 4.00 to 7.00; thursday same program of tuesday. On friday afternoon trainnins session from 4.30 tp 7.00. Saturday morning departure to Vibo Valentia

In the pic:Lorenzo Bernardi with Daniel Howard (FotoExpress)

Gian Paolo Zaffani
Press Office