Materdomini Volley.It Castellana Grotte: Mister D’Onghia team came back from Toscany with a very bad defeat against a team not that strong.
The first set has probably been the key of the whole match. The set has been well played by the hosted team until the very end where some attack mistakes gave the partial to Arezzo for 25-23.
After that Materdomini goes totally out of the match. Passing is not working and of course attack cannot be good. So second and third set ended 25-19 and 25-15. Only Nuzzo can be saved from the hosted team with his 16 points. Giovanni D’Onghia has now to recover properly his player especially psicologicaly, if he doesn’t want to miss the play off out for nothing. Wednesday the matches are back and Castellana will host an already condammed Ferrara; a team that must not be undervalued considering the good match that Ferrara played against Bassano.
But first of all it will be necessary to find the motivation and the security in the game in order to face with another mentality the last two matches away form home crucial for reaching the play-off.

Press Office
Pier Paolo Lorizio

In the pic: coach D’Onghia with his second La Selva