BancaEtruria Eurospar Arezzo:
(25-20, 25-20, 20-25, 25-22)
ACANTO MANTOVA: Carletti 3, Bernabè 14, De Togni 4, Mitrovic 18, Mosca 13, Milushev 20, Checchin (L), Tamburo 0, Hunter 0. Non entrati: Kiossev, Buti e Ricci Petitoni.
Coach: Enzo Valdo.
BANCAETRURIA EUROSPAR AREZZO: Tiberti 2, Juricic 5, Russo 8, Lirutti 13, Suela 19, Maric 16, Vanni (L), Czekiel 4, Grassini 0, Francesconi 3, D’Elia 0, Salvi 1.
Coach: Riccardo Provvedi.
Referees: Puletti e Montanari.
Crowd: 150.
Set lenght: 27′, 27′, 26′, 27′.
MANTOVA: 2 ace, 6 serves errors
AREZZO: 3 ace, 7 serves errors

Banca Etruria Eurospar Arezza gets another stop afetr losing against Mantova, a team fighting for staying in A2, A bad defeat for Arezzo that seems to face a diffciult moment. Bad conditons of Goran Maric (who played anyway) cannot be an excuse for a match not played with the right motivation and with the right intensity. For the oroamaranto 2 defeats in a row didn’t happen for 3 months. In Mantova Riccardo Provvedi’s boys started with Maric not a the top. On the other side Mantova was in a difficult period but willing to get back on track and aware that a victory was necessary to keep the hopes of staying in A2 alive.
The beginning of the match is equilibrate until the second time out with Arezzo ahead 15-16. But the home team changes the situation and reaches 21-18 and close the set for 25-20. In the second set Arezzo cannot find a way to change how the match is going and the set is again in favour of Mantova for 25-20. The oroamaranto reaction arrives in the third set. Provvedi’s boys start to be in front straight away (4-8, 14-19) and win the set for 20-25. But in the 4th set Mantova is back with its game and Arezzo seems without motivation: 14-10, 19-16. Arezzo tries to recover in 2 occasion, by reaching 19-18 first and 22-21 after, but the home team is able to close the match for 25-22 and three golden points. For Arezzo good match for Maric but nothing more. The defeat gets the rush for the play-off complicated. “Right now we are not able to face opponents with better motivations than ours” Sport director Maurizio Dei says ” We are playing too relaxed and without convinction. Everyone played under their possibilites and it was a clear mentality problem. Playoff run is still open but we need to really want to acheive the goal…” Now Provvedi’s boys waits a difficult week to understand wthat is going wrong.

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BancaEtruria Eurospar Arezzo