Agnelli Metalli Bergamo: The only goal for the home match against Modugno Noicattaro Volley is to win.
Agnelli Metalli will be on court tomorrow (15 October) at 6.00PM at the PalaNorda (Bergamo Arena) trying to get a victory.
Good week for the team that worked really well despite the injury occoured to opposite player Matteo Daolio. Back and neck pain for him during an attack. The player has been resting and he’s doing medical tests to find out what excactly his injury is. The team is still thinking that he will play tomorrow but the doubt is still on. If he will not be able to play probably coach Cominetti will use Yoko as opposite with Olli setter, Lafit spiker with Matteo Sangalli. Then as usual Finazzi and Burgshtaler middleblockers and Gelasio libero.
Sara Vavassori
Press Office Agnelli Metalli Bergamo
cell. 3490847457