Agnelli Metalli Bergamo: During yesterday match against Modugno Noicattaro, Yoko had a little back injury, but he decided to keep playing, and he also played very well. But at the end of the match and also today the pain was back and strong. So today Yoko will rest in order to be able to do some medical tests tomorrow morning.

Only tomorrow it will possibile to establish Yoko conditons. It is still not certain if the will be able to play on Wednesday in the match away from home against Taviano.

Also Daolio (back and neck injury) is still recovering and his presence in the match against Taviano is still in doubt.

After the match lost against Modugno Noicattaro the boys are ready for the next match scheduled on Wednesday in Taviano against the hoime team Salento d’amare.

Sara Vavassori
Press Office Agnelli Metalli Bergamo
cell. 3490847457