Maggiora Latina: Maggiora Latina Sisley Treviso 3 – 1
Sets: 25 – 23, 23 – 25, 25 – 23, 25 – 20
MVP of the match: Grbic

Not a good start for Latina but then, Zanuto e Vissotto started to play very well. Sisley seemed to suffer Latina game and not able to stop it. Latina always ahead in the score and the first set ended 25-23.
The second set sees a very good start of Latina immidiately ahead: 10-7, 12-9 and 16-13. Sisley fights back 19-17 and thanks to Fei attacks and Latina errors closes the set 23-25.
In the third set Vissotto, Zanuto and Grbic gives the victory to Latina for 25-23.
Good start for Latina also in the fourth set. Block, defense and attack go amazingly well. Bruno, Vissotto, Mattera and Bjelica show a very good game with capitain Grbic helping everyone with advises in the right moment. The set and the match is for Latina with the fourth set ended 25-20.

Coach Gulinelli said: “It is a great group with attitude and spirt that never gives up… Then our capitain Grbic has been crucial for the victory of the match!”