A great Mail Service Corigliano launches again its aggressive game and its race towards the high levels of the ranking.
The one against Mantova was a balanced match, where the teams reached twice the 24-24, but at the end it was Corigliano to close it, gaining 3 very important scores.

Acanto Mantova: Milushev 19, Mitrovic 19, De Togni 8, Carletti 2, Bernabè 16, Mosca 2, Cecchin (L), Buti 1, Tamburo, Kiossev, Ricci 9, Hunter N.E..
Coach: Valdo

Mail Service Corigliano: Corvetta 4, Olteanu 22, Ristic 12, Tomasello11, Loglisci 8, Perez 23, Roganti (L), Falcone. De Marchi, Zaccareo, Oliveri, Buracci didn’t play.
All.: Preti

Final score: 1 – 3
Sets: (24-26) (28-26) (22-25) (23-25)
rferees: Corrado Toso e Daniele Zucca
NOTES – sets’ length: 28′, 29′, 27′, 29′; Corigliano winning servings 3, Mantova 3; wrong servings Corigliano 10, Mantova 10; attack percent Corigliano 50%, Mantova 45%. Audience 400.