Tuesday 16 July 2024 18:22
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jernej terpin

Big match in Bergamo for Tonno Callipo

13th Round First Half Regular Season Serie A2 Credem Banca Sabato 17 dicembre 2022, ore 18.00 HRK Motta di Livenza - Consoli McDonald's Brescia Arbitri: Spinnicchia Giorgia,...

Second road trip in a row in Porto Viro

8th Round: Saturday at 18.00 anticipate Porto Viro and Vibo. At 16.30 on Sunday Lagonegro hosts Brescia, while the other races are scheduled at...

Jernej Terpin with Tonno Callipo Volley in 2022/23

26 years old last June 21st, 194 cm tall, born in Gorizia, Jernej Terpin is the new spiker of the Tonno Callipo Volley. After the...