Tuesday 16 July 2024 10:33
Home Teams Posts by Aversa


One point versus Videx

Videx Grottazzolina - Sigma Aversa 3-2 (25-17, 25-17, 22-25, 12-25, 15-11) - Videx Grottazzolina: Cecato 4, Vecchi 15, Gaspari 5, Morelli 20, Richards 24,...

Tough loss in Siena

7th Round Second Half Serie A UnipolSai Girone Bianco: Ceramica Scarabeo GCF Roma-Conad Reggio Emilia 3-1 (25-12, 23-25, 25-17, 25-21); Materdominivolley.it Castellana Grotte-Kemas Lamipel...

Good win and third place

6th Round Second Half Serie A2 UnipolSai – Girone Bianco: Kemas Lamipel Santa Croce-Emma Villas Siena 3-1 (29-27, 25-27, 25-20, 25-19); GoldenPlast Potenza Picena-Ceramica Scarabeo...

It was a great season for Aversa

Serie A2 UnipolSai 6th Round of Second Half for Girone Bianco in Unipolsai Serie A2 on tuesday 26th december, at 16 with the derby Santa...

Great road win for Sigma

5th Round Second Half Regular Season A2 UnipolSai - Girone BiancoAurispa Alessano - Sigma Aversa 1-3 (22-25, 25-21, 20-25, 16-25) - Aurispa Alessano: Alberini...

Head up high versus Roma

Serie A2 UnipolSai 4th Round Second Half Serie A2 UnipolSai - Girone Bianco GoldenPlast Potenza Picena-Emma Villas Siena 0-3 (17-25, 15-25, 19-25); Sigma Aversa-Ceramica Scarabeo GCF...

Clear win for Aversa

3rd Round Second Half Serie A2 UnipolSai - Girone Bianco Aurispa Alessano-Emma Villas Siena 3-2 (19-25, 25-16, 27-25, 17-25, 15-13); Kemas Lamipel Santa Croce-Conad Reggio...

Difficult to play at 16

President Di Meo said: "for us is very difficult to play at 16 on sunday, would be better to play all together at 18,...

Looking forward to a win in Puglia

Serie A2 UnipolSai After the Quarterfinals of Del Monte® Italian Cup Serie A2, with the upcoming semifinals between tra Ceramica Scarabeo GCF Roma – Kemas...

Dedicated to Di Meo

Sigma Aversa - Conad Reggio Emilia 3-0 (27-25, 25-17, 25-21) - Sigma Aversa: Pinelli 2, Libraro 3, Giacobelli 6, Boesso 17, Simeonov 11, Vigil...

Dedicating the win to Roland Di Meo

Girone Bianco will see its first two games in advance saturday 25th november at 20.30, two interesting games as Sigma Aversa – Conad Reggio...

Bad loss at PalaJacazzi

Girone Bianco: Leader of the standings Roma won on road versus Massa. Grottazzolina, Santa Croce, Siena and Alessano (Culafic 30 points) defeated Castellana, Aversa,...