Mail service Corigliano is very interested in promoting sport among young people: it is the second time already, in a few months, that they join a school to talk about their experiences as athletes and to spread the sport culture to the kids.
“It is important to pactice a sport -Alfredo Martilotti began, Corigliano’s spiker- no matter which. Sport helps to grow up, mature and keep contacts with the others, all experiences that one needs in everyday life”. The same concepts were then repeated by Massimo Zaccareo: “Sport helps to gain experience, sacrifice skills and to reach goals. It’s a teacher for life”.
About why the athletes decided to play in Corigliano Ivan Perez answered: “I am very glad to have been noticed and called to Corigliano. I was very happy to come to Italy, who wouldn’t be? Everybody would like to play in the italian League, the toughest in the world”.
Coach Preti said to the kids: “I am very glad to see you wearing sport uniforms. That shows me your will to play volleyball and your love for sport”. About the delicate doping theme, Riccardo Roganti said: “Fortunately doping doesn’t exist in our sport. Nowadays volley is clean”.
After the debate everybody got to the gym, where the athletes showed practically their game.