The City of Lumezzane Trophy reaches its seventh edition thanks to the renewed commitment of SFERC s.r.l. – Valgobbina company managed by the Campadelli brothers who have been Title sponsors of the toucans for years – and thanks to the support of the Administration of the City of Lumezzane. It is precisely the sports councilor Anna Bugatti who recalls: “The collaboration between Atlantide Pallavolo Brescia and the City of Lumezzane is a fruitful collaboration born some time ago and which every year allows Lumezzano enthusiasts to appreciate great volleyball just a stone’s throw from home. With the patronage of the Municipality, the Valgobbino sports hall will once again be the scene of a great match between two professional teams, protagonists of the A2 National Championship.

It is a source of pride to host such important events in Lumezzane: our community lives a well-rooted sporting passion that crosses practically all disciplines and which does not fail, every year, to bring prizes and trophies of absolute prestige to the noticeboards of our clubs. An extraordinary satisfaction that the municipal administration shares with the people – there are so many of them – engaged daily in promoting sports practice in the area.

In thanking SFERC, the title sponsor Atlantide, which offers us the opportunity to enjoy another meeting of great technical value for this start of the season, I wish the athletes on the pitch, the management of the clubs involved in the project and all the Lumezzano athletes to be able witness a wonderful afternoon of sport, sharing and fun.”

Mayor Josehf Facchini echoes his councilor: “Great sport for a great sports city such as Lumezzane which, in addition to the sports hall, has many new sports facilities, such as the recently inaugurated tennis and padel ones.