Small steps forward, but still lots of room for improvement in all fundamentals. This, in summary, is coach Pino Lorizio’s analysis of the second joint training session between Rinascita Volley Lagonegro and the Evolution Green Aversa team from Campania.

The final score (2-2) matters relatively little in friendly matches like these, but it can certainly represent a partial litmus test of what was seen on the pitch. First set clearly in favor of the guests (11-25). After the initial difficulties, our boys showed a much better attitude in the next two (25-23, 25-22), fighting point for point with their opponents and developing interesting positive game situations. Finally, fatigue reigned supreme during the last period (24-26), but the team stood out well, despite being aware of the fact that the workloads in this period are decidedly heavy.

“We have certainly made some general improvements – explained coach Lorizio at the end of training – I’m just a little dissatisfied with the approach, because we waited too long for the opponents’ moves. From the second onwards we played all the balls, and this is what I want from my boys, always: we cannot afford soft initial attitudes. Partially justifying this is certainly the hard physical work, especially in this last week, but we still have to give our best even when we are tired.”

The approach to Credem Banca’s debut in Serie A3 continues immediately with another match: on Saturday 28 September, in fact, Romeo Sorrento, our future opponent also in the championship, will arrive at Villa d’Agri. Training will take place behind closed doors.