It will be an awards ceremony for great names, the one that will take place in Bologna on Thursday 18 July during which the Volleyball League will reward Massimiliano Ortenzi, coach of Yuasa Battery, as the best coach in the A2 series for the 2023/24 season. But for president Romiti’s club the satisfactions do not end here, since an award will also be given to Rasmus Breuning Nielsen as the best scorer of the season in A2. The Danish hammer, among the protagonists of the triumphant Yuasa Battery championship, as is known will play in Greece in the next championship, but with the sound of dunks he took first place overall in the special category ranking, as well as guaranteeing himself eternal glory in Grottazzolina. The clubs expressed their opinion in voting for the best athletes, coaches and referees of the year. As can be seen from the official list of winners released by the League, the elite of Italian volleyball will be on stage in the capital of Bologna next week. Ortenzi will be under the spotlight of the national media together with Angelo Lorenzetti, Fano coach of Italian champions Sir Susa Vim Perugia, and with Simone Serafini, coach of Gabbiano Mantova, for the A3 Series. The awards ceremony which will concern Rasmus Breuning Nielsen, regulated on the basis of individual performance rankings, will also concern Theo Faure (Cisterna Volley) for the SuperLega and Edvinas Vaskelis (Rinascita Lagonegro) for the A3. As for the Under 23s, the “Gianfranco Badiali” award (another legend from the Marche region), here are the names of the winners: Luca Porro (Volleyball Padova) for the SuperLega, Alessandro Bovolenta (Consar Ravenna) for the A2, Federico Roberti (Smartsystem Fano) for the A3. The following were indicated as the best referees: Stefano Cesare for the SuperLega, Serena Salvati for A2 and A3. On July 18th in Bologna coach Ortenzi will be accompanied by the company’s top management. And on that same afternoon Yuasa Battery Grottazzolina will discover the calendar of its first historic season in the Super League. The seasonal debut, as is known, is set for September 29th, while the pre-season meeting will take place on August 1st at the headquarters, to begin the actual physical work on August 5th.