For him it’s a return and what a return! He wore the Virtus shirt in the 2018-19 seasons (promotion from series B to series A3) and 2019-20: Tommaso Mandoloni, born in 1998, 183 cm, setter, is a new player for Smartsystem Fano.

The new director from Virtussi does not hide himself and admits: “I have always followed Manuel Coscione on television – smiles Mandoloni – now the thought of playing with him together gives me shivers”.

The boy from Pesaro comes from an important experience in Serie B in La Spezia: “Two years that made me grow – continues Tommi – in both of us we achieved important salvation even if the team potentially could have done better. Now I’m back close to home and I’m happy, moreover in a stimulating and high-level championship like the A2 series.” Then Mandoloni remembers the two years spent at Virtus: “The first of the promotion was wonderful and then the debut in Serie A3. Already at that time I appreciated the work of the company and I knew that sooner or later something important would be built.”

Therefore, in the 2024-25 season the balls will pass through the hands of the Coscione-Mandoloni couple, for a year that promises to be vibrant and spectacular: “I will give one hundred percent – ​​concludes Mandoloni – I am very excited and I can’t wait to get started . I’m sure we’ll get some satisfaction.”