After the arrival of the 2001 class center back Comparoni from Monza, the green line of the Yuasa Battery continues and in view of the next Super League season it has truly given itself a great gift, also beating off a lot of competition: in fact, Georgi Tatarov arrives in Fermo.

Spiker born in 2003 of Bulgarian nationality, 200 centimeters tall, currently playing as a starter for the Bulgarian national team in the final week of the 2024 edition of the Volley Nations League, Tatarov arrives in Grottazzolina with already two years of international experience behind him, a lot if you consider consider that we are talking about a boy in his early twenties. After growing up in the thriving CSKA youth academy in Sofia, in the 2022-23 season comes the first opportunity for him to show off abroad, and immediately in a top-level championship: the Altekma SK shirt is ready for him, main volleyball expression of the city of Izmir (ancient Smyrna), located on the Turkish Aegean coast with over 4 million inhabitants. The Turkish top flight is, especially in the top teams, one of the most competitive championships in the world, and for Tatarov this certainly represents an important first opportunity to gain experience. Not even twenty years old, he took just a handful of training sessions to take his place as a starter and never left it, playing 24 matches and 77 sets.