Pietro Bonisoli and Rana Verona continue together for another three seasons. Having arrived at Coach Stoytchev’s court not yet of age, the young libero born in 2005 gained his first important experience in the top Italian league, also earning the chance to start some matches. A constant growth for the Scaliger number 15, who in two years has made 25 appearances in the Super League. A precious contribution for Bonisoli, who in this period also continued his journey in the blue jersey, winning silver at the EYOF U19 in summer 2023 and qualifying for the U20 European Championships a few weeks ago.

“When I received the call from Verona two years ago, my enthusiasm skyrocketed, because playing in the Super League is the fulfillment of a dream for all those who play volleyball – said Bonisoli – From the first day of training I started disposition of the team and in two years I have received many teachings from the more experienced teammates, fundamental in my growth path as an athlete but also as a person. The club gave me a great opportunity and every time I was called upon I gave one hundred percent to be ready. I am happy to continue to be part of this project and of a group that, day after day, training after training, has consolidated itself more and more.”

“Pietro is an example of the line that, as a Club, we have followed since the initial stages of our project, that is, focusing on talented young people to grow alongside more experienced athletes”. These are the words of President Stefano Fanini commenting on the contract renewal of the libero from Brescia. “His young age did not represent a limit in any way – he continued – Indeed, in any situation he demonstrated seriousness, maturity and professionalism which make him a boy with commendable conduct, capable of carrying on his studies and sporting activity with great dedication. In two years with our shirt Bonisoli has been able to demonstrate his value and in the coming seasons he will be able to improve even further under the guidance of a top-level technical staff. We are satisfied to continue this journey together.”