The season for Serie A ended with the trophy raised to the sky by Consoli Sferc Brescia Captain Simone Tiberti: the last match of this sporting year saw Roberto Zambonardi’s Brescia team repeat the success of a week ago at the Final Four of Cuneo, also putting the Del Monte® Supercoppa Serie A2 on the board, thanks to the 3-1 victory against Yuasa Battery Grottazzolina in front of 1000 spectators from Grottazzolina. Double trophies, therefore, for the Toucans, who, led by Abrahan Gavilan, voted Del Monte® MVP of the Final, closed this season with double satisfaction.

Niels Klapwijk (Consoli Sferc Brescia): “A fantastic victory: it is difficult to play against the champions of the season and win in this arena with this support. They pushed hard on serve but we always remained calm and hit the right breaks, taking home the Super Cup.”

Simone Tiberti (Captain Consoli Sferc Brescia): “There’s nothing else to play, too bad… We’re in a fabulous moment. We could have done better in the Play Offs, but we took our chances with these two Cups. It’s a shame to part ways with this team, but now let’s think about the home feat of the best team in the championship. It’s a great regret that we no longer have these teammates who fought with their hearts even today.”

Roberto Cominetti (Consoli Sferc Brescia): “Two trophies out of three this season for an incredible group. We have always played good volleyball, except in the initial phase of the Play Offs. I think we collected less than we deserved but I also believe that this group will remain in the history of Brescia for having given it its first national trophies”.

Roberto Zambonardi (Coach Consoli Sferc Brescia): “It’s easy to say how we won tonight: as a team. Everyone was very good and concentrated, but special praise goes to Abrahan who always kept his competitive energy at a very high level, and to Pesaresi, who maintained commendable consistency on the second line, always guaranteeing balance to a team that deserves only praise.” .

Gianlorenzo Bonisoli (Vice President Consoli Sferc Brescia): “A great emotion, satisfaction through the roof. The boys won with consistency and taking advantage of opportunities. A huge thank you to everyone.”

The link to the Finale gallery 20Brescia%20(League%20Volleyball)

The news of the Del Monte® Supercoppa

Del Monte® Supercoppa Serie A2, è Brescia a trionfare