While the Play-offs proceed towards the final promotion which will see Grottazzolina and Siena opposing each other between 21 and 28 April, the Italian Cup on Sunday will offer the possibility for Cantù, Cuneo, Prata and Brescia to be the four teams that will face the Quarter-finals, together with the two contenders for the Super League, in Porto Viro and Ravenna.

The new formula of the Del Monte® Coppa Italia Serie A2 still provides for two games won out of three at this stage: the Toucans optimized their field factor in the first, but played against a Conad Reggio Emilia side lined up to give space to its young players.

It is possible that coach Fanuli decides to go for broke in front of his audience and therefore presents a different roster at PalaBigi on Sunday at 6pm. The individuals of the Volley Tricolore are high profile: Mariano, Preti, Marks, Suraci and the surprising Guerrini (born in 2003) among the spikers, Volpe,  Bonola and Sesto in the centre, Sperotto as director and the Poconi-Torchia tandem in the second line can give anyone a hard time. Reggio was saved at the end of the championship, but this doesn’t mean they want to give up in the Cup.

Roberto Zambonardi focuses on his Brescia: “We are preparing for any eventuality by focusing on the fact that we still have three weeks of intense work ahead of us, to get to the Final Four in Cuneo. It doesn’t matter what happens beyond the net, it’s how we approach each game that matters. In the last match we saw that, when concentration drops, Conad knows how to take advantage of it. I asked my group to maintain clarity and hunger for good volleyball until the end of this prestigious competition and I am sure that on Sunday the answer will come from PalaBigi”.

In case of victory, the next step will be the match at San Filippo with Siena on May 1st (valid season tickets), followed by the match in Tuscany on the 5th, possibly decided by the new formula with golden set.

One step at a time, though. The next objective is to close the series against Reggio Emilia already on Sunday. The live streaming is from 6pm on the Volleyball World TV platform.

PREVIOUS: 19 (10 successes for Brescia)

EX: Roberto Cominetti in Reggio Emilia in 2021/22; Mattia Catellani in Brescia in 2018/19

Record of the day

In the 2023/2024 Season all competitions:

Roberto Cominetti – 7 points in the 400

All competitions in career:

Stefano Ferri 1 winning attack at 1000m

Alex Erati  5 winning serves at 100