The first home derby is approaching for Belluno Volley. On Sunday 21st (6pm), the lights of the Spes Arena will illuminate the match against Personal Time San Donà di Piave: the second strength of the Serie A3 championship Credem Banca boasts a record of twelve victories and two defeats. And tonight (Thursday 18th) it will make up for the match with Gamma Chimica Brugherio, which was missed last weekend.

The group led by Daniele Moretti is pursuing a very high profile path. Also thanks to a very effective diagonal like the one made up of Tulone and Giannotti: «Tulone comes from Lecce – analyzes the rhinos’ technical assistant, Roberto Malaguti – and is in his sixth season in Serie A. A very technical setter, also skilled at serving. Giannotti, on the other hand, is in his fourteenth year in Serie A: an important athlete for the category, from a statistical point of view it emerges that, for every two balls attacked, he puts one on the ground.” The bands are also of quality: «Class of 2003, Favaro comes from Santa Croce and is getting noticed for his performance, while Umek is in San Donà for the second consecutive year. And he can also play as an opposite.”

A well-known face around the Spes Arena is that of Francesco Guastamacchia: «Yes, last year he was one of our central defenders – continues Malaguti -. And he’s having a profitable season on offense. Also pay attention to the other central defender, Giuseppe Iorno, coming from Ortona, while the libero Bassanello boasts six championships in A1 in Padua: he is very precise both in reception and in defense”. Malaguti has no doubts: «We will meet a tenacious team, which has its strengths in defense and attack».

In the meantime, presale is always active: to purchase tickets for the Veneto derby, the website is active.