First opportunity to show itself to its public for Moyashi Garlasco, engaged in Dorno in an evening of joint training with Gabbiano Mantova and Wimore Salsomaggiore Terme. After the trip to Acqui Terme last week, the comparisons continue with teams that the Garlacticos will meet in the white group of Serie A3 starting in just under a month.

A few too many difficulties against the newly promoted Gabbiano Mantova, who prevailed with a partial score of 0-3 (23-25, 16-25, 22-25). The result was reversed against Wimore Salsomaggiore Terme (formerly Parma), with the Garlacticos finding continuity and finishing at 2-0 (25-18, 25-22), also taking home a third set at 15 (15-12) .

Coach Bertini: “The group is working very hard, we can only be satisfied”
The biggest difficulties arose with Mantova, as coach Vittorio Bertini comments: “Once again we struggled a little too much in the approach to the first race. Woe betide you if you think that it is an exclusively psychological aspect: there are some elements that are characteristic of team play and that we do not fully govern at the moment. We are equally confident, because we have just started working on the strength of our game, it is quite physiological to have difficulties in this phase for a team like ours, which has been significantly revolutionized.”

A completely different story with Salsomaggiore: “In the second race there was a more solid performance, which corroborates the hypothesis of a notable margin for improvement. Applause goes to Gustavo Cavalcanti, who came ‘from far away’ and is settling in quickly, with considerable appreciation from everyone, his teammates and staff. But as always it is ungenerous to refer to individuals, because the whole group is working very hard, we can only be satisfied with this.”

Deputy Federico Moro: “The ball change phase is a bit difficult, the sensations in the break phase are excellent”
Deputy Moro also sees positive signs in the double performance: “Both matches saw the implementation of an almost scientific turnover, both on our side and that of our opponents: the result is therefore not very indicative, for better or for worse. As we expected, the ball change phase, which requires the most training volume, is still a little difficult, while the sensations we received from the break phase are excellent. Another intense week of work awaits us between Dorno and Pavia, which will culminate with joint training on Saturday in Cantù.”