Belluno Volley has decided to go back to school. Not because he’s repeating himself and has to face remedial exams in September. The company enters schools with a fundamentally important objective: to bring the volleyball players of the future closer to the magical world of dribbles and dunks. And, consequently, broaden the membership base. Base that so far has about eighty athletes: «But we want to reach one hundred – specifies the head of the youth sector, Paolo Bristot -. And beyond».

EXERCISE SCIENCES – «We will go to schools because we intend to cultivate and expand mini-volleyball. For this, we will follow a predominantly social direction, in order to involve as many kids as possible and then take them to the gym. There is a problem of numbers, in the masculine: a problem that does not only involve our province, but which is rather generalized ». In this regard, the rhinoceros club will expand its staff: “We will rely on professionals with skills in the field of motor sciences”.

CAPILLARY NETWORK – The road has been traced: «Yes, the project is already in black and white and will lead to the creation of a capillary network. We believe in it, as do various realities that also support us for the work set up in the youth field. We started last year. And we intend to continue on this path». In the long run, the “canterà” will have to become a source of inspiration for the first team: «Elia Fraccaro’s, promoted with the “big boys”, is an important signal, as well as a great satisfaction – continues Bristot -. On the other hand, sorry for Matteo Galliani: he grew up with us and was part of the A3 staff last year. But reconciling professional volleyball with university study is not easy».

RELATIONS WITH OTHER COMPANIES – It is in Belluno Volley’s primary interest to maintain solid and profitable relationships with other clubs: «Let’s think of Gianbattista Costa’s landing in Treviso – concludes the manager of the nursery -. When such an opportunity arose for the athlete, we didn’t hesitate for a second. We understand that, right now, we don’t have the structure to keep a particularly promising youngster. We willingly give it to a company, like the Orogranata one, which works above all to help young people grow. Then it is not excluded that one day they will come back to us. And become our future. As happened for Andrea De Col, who has just returned from Macerata».