The Danish hammer was the best scorer of last season receiving the “Andrej Kuznetsov” award for the A2 Credem Banca 2022/23 series.

A haul of 605 points in 26 regular season matches (the runner-up, Alessandro Bovolenta of Consar RCM Ravenna, stopped at 508). Relentless numbers that the Serie A Volleyball League wanted to officially recognize on Monday 10 July by conferring the title reserved for the most prolific strikers of the three major national categories to the opposite side of Yuasa Battery Grottazzolina.

Rasmus Breuning Nielsen joins Adis Lagumdzija from Modena (419 points in the last Superlega championship) and Cristoph Marks (568 with the Fano shirt in A3): “It is an honor to receive such recognition, it is even more so to have achieved it wearing the Grottazzolina shirt – declared the Danish opposite -. It’s one of the best moments of my career, I’m part of an important club, with high-level staff, team-mates and sponsors and I’m extremely proud of it. This award is theirs too.”

“We are proud that one of our players has won the A2 top scorer award on his debut in the category – the words of President Rossano Romiti – and very very happy to be able to include him again in our staff. We’re betting a lot on him and we’re sure he’ll do well next year as well.”

Below is a list of the other League Awards reserved for the best athletes and coaches of the past year. The votes were cast by the 54 clubs that played in the Serie A Credem Banca 2022/23 championship.

33rd “Costa-Anderlini” Award – Best coach

Angelo Lorenzetti (Itas Trentino) for SuperLega Credem Banca
Cezar Douglas (Tuna Callipo Calabria Vibo Valentia) for Serie A2 Credem Banca
Fabrizio Licchelli (Leo Shoes Casarano) for the A3 Credem Banca series

“Gianfranco Badiali” Award – Best Italian Under 23 player

Paolo Porro (Allianz Milano) for SuperLega Credem Banca
Alessandro Bovolenta (Consar RCM Ravenna) for the A2 Credem Banca series
Nicola Cianciotta (Leo Shoes Casarano) for the A3 Credem Banca series