After a year as a protagonist in the Under 19s and in Serie B, Nicolas Brucini officially joins the A2 Serie A staff Credem Banca 2023-24.

The red and white spiker, born in Iseo (BS) on 5 July 2004, started playing for UPC Camaiore immediately showing great potential both indoors and on the sand. I Lupi and coach Pagliai immediately bet heavily on the young prospect, bringing him to S. Croce and inserting him in a qualification process that led him to play in two Under 19 national finals and as many Serie B championships. Already in orbit for the first team in the season just passed and in 2021-22, from the next he will be placed on a permanent basis in the roster available to coach Bulleri, with a twofold objective: to work hard, to further grow both as an athlete and from a technical point of view, and to be ready for the called in the difficult role of “place 4”. Naturally, he will face the “double commitment” in Serie A2 and in Serie B.
It is always a satisfaction, for an environment like the red and white one, when a young Lupo enters the “pack” of the first team: it means that they worked well and that the path designed for the boy was the right one. Brucini is the “seventh element” of a Kemas Lamipel 2.0 that arouses curiosity and interest: Colli, Coscione, Cargioli, Mati, Lawrence, and now Brucini, allow us to glimpse an important backbone for a squad that will not make us regret the previous one.
STATEMENTS: “The last season was all in all positive. I had an ankle injury at the beginning of the season which made me miss training sessions and matches and this thing got in my way a bit but then I was able, thanks to work in the gym, to resume my starting position with continuity in series B; with the under 19 there was a bit of a bitter taste in the mouth for not having passed the qualifiers for the national finals, but looking on the positive side we are regional champions “.
“Next year I expect a very tough season, one of commitment and sacrifice given that my other mates and I will have a double commitment every week, Serie B and Serie A, but I am very happy and honored to have managed to join the first team: having grown up in Wolves since the first years in which I started playing for me it is like the crowning of a dream “.