After the twelfth defeat in the Regular Season, coach Cantagalli’s Conad is preparing to face Consoli Mc Donald’s Brescia, a team that had lost in the tie-break in the first round against the Giallorossi team. The meeting will take place on Sunday 19 February at 18:00 at the PalaBigi in Reggio Emilia.

Two strong teams with a great desire to fight, the landlords slipped to thirteenth place during the last first leg, due to the 3-0 victory of Lagonegro who overtook the Reggio players; Brescia, on the other hand, is in eleventh position with 23 points, only two more than Volley Tricolore, and still far from the play-off area, which Prata di Pordenone closes with 28 points and eighth place in the standings.

The Brescia line-up has changed slightly from the first round, but the team still remains the right mix of enterprising youngsters and expert players. Coach Zambonardi can count on Tiberti, Giani and Ghirardi in the control room, but there is a change in the middle: if Esposito, Candeli, Scarpellini and Sarzi Sartori remain, Luisetto goes down to A3 and the Slovak Mijatovic arrives.

The spikers are: Loglisci, Gatto, Braghini, Bisi, Galliani, Togni, Bettinzoli, the foreigner Gavilan and the Slovak Petras is added to the roster; the free remain Rizzetti and Franzoni.

Ex of the match the spiker Gianluca Loglisci, who played in the 2020/2021 season in the yellow and red ranks.

The match can be viewed in live streaming on, the ticket for the match can be purchased at the PalaBigi ticket office directly on the day of the match.