President Bisogno, it’s a complicated season. Were these the results you expected at this point?

When we acquired the title this summer, we knew that, in terms of timing and concretely, it wouldn’t be a simple operation: we had to quickly build a team by working simultaneously on the market, on the financial as well as organizational and commercial profile. And this is a group that, although built in the imprecision of a last minute strategy, has the possibility of improving and saving this season.

If you could go back, would you do this SuperLega operation again?

Yes, absolutely, because I consider it a winning choice for the historic project of the company and for all the entrepreneurs who are with us. The greater visibility we have is indisputable.

As for the team: will there be any news about it?

I fully trust the athletes and technical staff. I believe and underline that the team is competitive and has all the characteristics to be able to achieve the goal of salvation. As a club we have a duty to support them.