The week of preparation for the second consecutive home match began today for Avimecc Volley Modica, which on Sunday will see coach Giancarlo D’Amico’s boys host the Campania players of Wow Green House Aversa at the “PalaRizza” valid for the eighth day of the A3 championship.

The blue-and-whites of the County are returning from two consecutive defeats that came after two unconvincing performances. Now for the Modica sextet there is a need to regroup and return to expressing volleyball shown in the first few days with formations accredited for the series jump with which Raso and his companions played on an equal footing.

No drama in the blue-and-white home, but it is clear that something more can be expected from a sextet that has not yet expressed its full potential, especially in terms of performance.

“We should get into the minds of the boys – explains the General Manager of Avimecc Volley Modica, Luca Leocata – the last three matches with Sabaudia, Lecce and Roma have not been up to the quality of the group and it is clear that, without doing any drama is a wake-up call. The team plays well for part of the match, but then a block that I think is mainly of a mental nature causes the light to be “turned off” and does not allow us to close the sets. It is clear – he continues – that against Rome, last Sunday after the defeat in Lecce, as management we expected a reaction that unfortunately didn’t exist and this made us feel bad, but precisely in these situations, we must unite around the team and stay close to the group in which we blindly believe. This is a young team and the ups and downs during the season had been anticipated, but now we need to roll up our sleeves and keep working even harder to try and regain the mental strength and psychological factor we had in the first days. Sunday with Aversa – concludes Luca Leocata – it will be a tough match against a formation that aims to jump in the category and that will arrive at the “PalaRizza” to redeem the defeat with Farmitalia, we have to reset everything and return to the team we proved to be at the beginning season, a team that has to fight for every ball and not give up until the last point in the last set, then if our opponents prove to be stronger we’ll be the first to applaud them”.