The celebrations for the tenth anniversary of Delta Volley Porto Viro continue. After last Friday’s crowd bath at the Delta Sporting Club, the Polesana club wanted to celebrate the anniversary in a more intimate setting, in the company of the sponsors.

The convivial event, realized with the contribution of the title sponsor Delta Group Agroalimentare and WiMore (one of the new partners of Delta Volley), was held at the well-known fish farm “In Marinetta” in Rosolina with the conduct of the Delta Radio speaker Paolo De Grandis.

“As I have always said, the results obtained by the company in these ten years of history are not mine, but of all the people I have been lucky enough to meet along the way. Among these, our sponsors certainly deserve a special mention because they have always continued to support us, even in the most complex moments from an economic point of view ”, said the President of Delta Volley Luigi Veronese at the opening of the evening.

Also present was the Municipal Administration of Porto Viro, represented by the Councilor for Sport Michele Capanna: “A sporting excellence such as Delta Volley promotes the image of our city throughout the national territory and at the same time plays a very important social function and educational for the youngest. Therefore, thanks to the athletes, managers, technicians and sponsors who contributed to fulfilling the dream of bringing Porto Viro to the top of Italian volleyball “.

Francesco Biolcati, External Relations Manager of Delta Group Agroalimentare: “We are united to Delta Volley not only by the name, but by the vision. A vision that is made of roots in the territory, the ability to create value – sporting, economic and social – and to attract talents, the will to continue to achieve prestigious goals. This is a unique reality of its kind and Delta Group wants to support it more and more ”.