With Giuseppe Iorno, born in 1993 for 195 centimeters in height, the Sieco closes the middle blockers section after the confirmation of Fabi and the addition of Arienti.

Giuseppe “Giosi” Iorno was born in Crotone where he approaches volleyball by learning this wonderful sport in the youth sector of his city: the ProVolley Crotone. The time to face some Serie C championships with the local team and Giosi takes a flight that will take him to tour Italy playing in high-level formations in Serie B.

The hard work and dedication of the Crotone athlete to volleyball are finally rewarded by the call of the Sieco Service Impavida Ortona who chose him for a roster that will have to support an ambitious project starting from a Serie A3 in the Girone Blu which promises to be very competitive with many teams that yearn for the highest places in the rankings.

«First of all, I would like to thank the club and the coach for the trust they have given me. It will be my first year in Serie A, and making my debut with the shirt of a reality like the Impavida Ortona makes me proud and confident of my choice. I’ll be ready and give my all for this cause. I can’t wait to get started and get to know Ortona and its fans in person! Soon!”

Giuseppe Iorno

Birth: 6/10/93

Place: Crotone

Sporting Nationality: Italian

Role: Central

Height: 193 Cm



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