Serie A1 TIM

Round 11


Following the Trentino versus Modena game in midweek, counting for the 9th round, Trento is now 5 points clear at the top ahead of Piacenza and Modena, second with 19. The three teams will respectively face Verona, Pineto and Taranto. The latest game will be live on Rai Sport Più from 6pm. This will be the opportunity to hand Angel Denis his MVP award for the month of October. In third place, just one point behind, Cuneo plays host to Vibo Valentia, who has three ex-Cuneo players in its squad: Gonzalez, Andrae and Simeonov. Macerata versus Monza will be Saturday’s game at 4pm, while Loreto is rested.


Next round

Saturday 14 November at 4pm

Lube Banca Marche Macerata – Acqua Paradiso Monza Live on Rai Sport Più at 4pm – Live streaming su


Sunday 15 November at 6pm

Trenkwalder Modena – Prisma Taranto Live on Rai Sport Più at 6pm – Live streaming on


Itas Diatec Trentino – Marmi Lanza Verona


Bre Banca Lannutti Cuneo – Tonno Callipo Vibo Valentia


Aran Cucine Abruzzo Pineto – CoprAtlantide Piacenza


Sisley Treviso – Yoga Forlì


Andreoli Latina – Perugia


Esse-ti Carilo Loreto – RESTED


League table

Itas Diatec Trentino 24, Trenkwalder Modena, CoprAtlantide Piacenza 19, Bre Banca Lannutti Cuneo 18, Tonno Callipo Vibo Valentia 17, Sisley Treviso, Lube Banca Marche Macerata, Marmi Lanza Verona, Acqua Paradiso Monza 16, Perugia 15, Prisma Taranto 13, Esse-ti Carilo Loreto 8, Andreoli Latina, Yoga Forlì 6, Aran Cucine Abruzzo Pineto 1.

Note: 1 game more: CoprAtlantide Piacenza, Tonno Callipo Vibo Valentia, Marmi Lanza Verona, Esse-ti Carilo Loreto, Andreoli Latina.


Lube Banca Marche Macerata – Acqua Paradiso Monza




Alberto Cisolla (Lube Banca Marche Macerata): “We’ll have to get rid of all the bad things done in Vibo Valentia, to try to impose ourselves as we proved we could do in past encounters. Monza is a good team, that can make it hard for anyone, so it will be crucial to cut down on mistakes as much as possible, and especially keep focused and composed. It’s very tight in the table, we have all the time and potential to reach our targets”. 




Mauro Berruto (Acqua Paradiso Monza): “I keep preferring the politics of one little step at a time but I can’t be satisfied with what has been done so far. If we think only of the last four games,  we won three times, grabbed important points, while me and my staff gathered useful information. If we want to keep going this way, we have to keep our feet on the ground. The next step will be one of the most complicated: Macerata away is very tough, but that precise reason makes it very exciting too. We won’t make the mistake of waiting for them, we will try to attack every possible ball. This is the only way to play against an extraordinary team like the one of Vermiglio and co”.



Trenkwalder Modena – Prisma Taranto


PAST ENCOUNTERS: 12 (9-3 Modena)


Angel Dennis (Trenkwalder Modena): “There were both positive and negative aspects in the Trento game: positive because we proved that we could face anyone when we stay composed. Negative because we lost and because we had a big opportunity at 1-0 and 23-19. Still, we must not put our heads down now, on the contrary, we have to build on the good things done in Trento. I think the most important thing is to stay organised and disciplined. It will be a tough one against Taranto, they won against Treviso on Sunday, while we have to bounce back straight away in front of our fans. If we play our game, with the composure and discipline I was talking about, then we could get a result”.


Antonio Ricciarello (Prisma Taranto): “Modena is a good team in every area of the court: they stand in the top part of the table. In brief, this is a team that we’ll have to face with maximum concentration. We will surely do our best to get some points and move up the table. Besides the serve, we need to be accurate in every fundamental. We have to take advantage of the court, because at the PalaPanini, the spectators expect to see good volleyball and they tend to put pressure on the team”.



Itas Diatec Trentino – Marmi Lanza Verona


PRECEDENTI: 10 (7-3 Trento)


Osmany Juantorena (Itas Diatec Trentino): “Verona is a really great team, very competitive and with fighting spirit. They have three excellent spikers. We’ll have to be extremely focused and find the energy left to try to win this game. The results shows we’re doing fine but we are also aware that it is impossible to keep up the rhythm without making mistakes, so we have to pay attention to every single detail. We’ll look at the table later, the important thing is to stay amongst the top four at least until the halfway point of the season”.


Dore Della Lunga (Marmi Lanza Verona): “We’ll head to Trento, try to play as well as we can and make it difficult for them. I’m happy to get back there, to meet my ex-teammates, but I’ll do my best for Verona. I think Trento has been the best team of the league for the past two years, it will certainly not be an easy game”.



Bre Banca Lannutti Cuneo – Tonno Callipo Vibo Valentia


PAST ENCOUNTERS: 9 (8-1 Cuneo)


Wout Wijsmans (Bre Banca Lannutti Cuneo): “We’ll see Gonzalez again as setter: I’ve seen him arrive in Italy and suffer before he could play. Then I’ve seen him improve. He’s very talented and a great guy, it will be strange to have him as opponent, but it will be nice to see him again. Vibo is playing well and I think it’s also credit to him. The team has a good potential, it proved it could make it tough for anyone, they play good volleyball, they have a good serve and they do fine at the net with, besides Gonzalez, some good middleblockers. It’s no surprise that they managed to beat Trento and Macerata, and are gathering good results”.


Javier Gonzalez (Tonno Callipo Vibo Valentia): “We are on the right track. We keep improving and the progress helps us to get excellent results on court. We did well against Macerata too despite the level of the opponent. We have acquired a certain awareness now, which allow us to play face to face with anyone. Cuneo is as strong a team, one that will stay towards the top of the table. In the previous game in Loreto, Giuliani’s team played really well and they will surely try to do some of the same at home. No need to say that this game will bring a special feeling to me, as I’ve worked there last year. This will give an extra motivation to have a good performance for my team”.


Aran Cucine Abruzzo Pineto – CoprAtlantide Piacenza


PAST ENCOUNTERS: 2 (Piacenza won both)


Ronaldo Henrique (Aran Cucine Abruzzo Pineto): “It will be tough against Piacenza but not impossible. Every game has its own story, this has been clear so far. More than the opponent, which we do respect however, I am worried about my team and the inconsistency with which we have been facing the games. A good idea would be to build on the Treviso performance, against which we nearly went to the tie-break. We need points”.


Giovanni Rossi (CoprAtlantide Piacenza):We are in relatively good shape. Bravo is back and will be on the bench. The team is absorbing the big loads of work carried out in the last weeks without midweek games. The risks of Sunday’s game are the same as usual: We know how good is the level in this league, you can’t relax against anyone. If we want to get something out of it, we’ll need to be concentrated, be aggressive and express all our technical potential”.



Sisley Treviso – Yoga Forlì


PAST ENCOUNTERS: 8 (7-1 Treviso)


Graydon Ainsworth (Yoga Forlì): “Treviso is one of the most prestigious teams in the world. No matter where you come from, you know the name. This is a great experience for me, it will be a great feeling on Sunday. We’ll try to have a good game. I’m very happy with the attitude of the boys. They all work very hard, we know we can still improve. We are building something nice”.


Roberto Piazza (Sisley Treviso): “It will be an important game for us given Saturday’s defeat. We’ll have to use our main weapons against Forli and be concentrated. Despite what the league table shows, Forli is in good form. They won in Monza and only surrendered at the fifth set against Perugia last Sunday. They have excellent players and will come to the PalaVerde to give their best. We’ll need to be ready and extremely focused, we shouldn’t be looking at the table but be ready to face a tough match. We trained well, apart from Sabbi who had fever, but tonight’s and tomorrow’s training will be crucial to prepare the game”.



Andreoli Latina – Perugia


PAST ENCOUNTERS: 12 (8-4 Perugia)


Goran Vujevic (Andreoli Latina): “It will be a very tricky game. We have different targets: both of us will be under pressure. Perugia is meant to be stronger, but if we manage to play at the level of the last few games and limit our mistakes, we could snatch important points”.


Claudio Sciurpa (Presidente Perugia): “On Sunday we have to win at all cost in Latina. We’ll be playing a team that is facing a few problems, but which want to get out of the danger zone. There will be a heated atmosphere, so we’ll have to find one of our best performances”.


Serie A2 TIM

Round 8


At 8.20, Snai Sat will broadcast a clash of giants between Bologna and Roma. Bologna lost only once and stands just four points behind the league leaders Roma, still unbeaten. Tied in second place, there is also the surprising Ravenna, hardly promoted from the B1 and already standing tall in the A2. They face Crema on Sunday. Third place Castellana Grotte travels to Città di Castello, while fourth Sora faces Isernia. Bottom of the league Massa will meet Gioia del Colle, just one point above.


Next round

Sunday 15 November at 6pm

Bassano Volley – Canadiens Mantova


Edilesse Cavriago – Pallavolo Padova


Nava Gioia del Colle – Quasar Massa Versilia


Katay Geotec Isernia – Globo Banca Popolare del Frusinate Sora


Marcegaglia Ravenna – Samgas Crema


Città di Castello Pallavolo – BCC-NEP Castellana Grotte


Sunday 15 November at 8.30pm

Zinella Bologna – M. Roma Volley Live on SNAI Sat from 8.20pm


Codyeco S.Croce – RESTED


League table

M. Roma Volley 18, Marcegaglia Ravenna, Zinella Bologna 14, BCC-NEP Castellana Grotte 12, Samgas Crema, Globo Banca Popolare del Frusinate Sora 11, Città di Castello Pallavolo, Bassano Volley 10, Edilesse Cavriago 9, Codyeco S. Croce 8, Pallavolo Padova 7, Nava Gioia del Colle, Katay Geotec Isernia, Canadiens Mantova 6, Quasar Massa Versilia 5.

Note: 1 game in hand: Marcegaglia Ravenna, Zinella Bologna, BCC-NEP Castellana Grotte, Samgas Crema, Globo Banca Popolare del Frusinate Sora, Pallavolo Padova, Canadiens Mantova.