Fiorese Spa Bassano:
Very important match tomorrow at the PalaBassano for Fiorese Spa Bassano, after the victory away from home against Milano. Fiorese is looking for precious points at home against Bergamo before the tour de force that will see Bassano playing with the first four teams of the standing: away from home against Crema, then at home against Corigliano and two matches away from home against Castellana and Santa Croce before the home match against Cavriago.
Coach Simoni has recovered all the players including Moro that is now finding the best shape. Bergamo will be without opposite Daolio but could start with Jacquest Yoko. The other player should be Olli setter, Finazzi and Burgshtaler middleblockers, spikers Alves and Gelasio libero.

Press Office
Bassano Volley
Mauro Sabino