For the spiker, originally from Palmanova, the two encounters that opened the year in front of the net proved to be a sort of dive into a past closely linked to Serie A2. First in the Libertas Cantù den, then at San Filippo against Gruppo Consoli Sferc Brescia: in both circumstances, the opponent was of a higher category. And the rhinos have always managed to snatch a set: «There is certainly still a lot to work on. But, just as confidently, it is possible to say that in Brescia, compared to the first outing against Campi Reali, some good things were seen.”

PROGRESSION – After tonight’s match (Wednesday 25th) at the Spes Arena was cancelled, Belluno Volley is looking forward to the next test, set for Saturday 28th September (6pm), in Prata di Pordenone, against Tinet. For the third time out of three, therefore, on the other side of the net there will be an A2 sextet: «I expect progression and improvements – continues the twenty-six year old who has passed through San Donà, Motta di Livenza and Reggio Emilia -. We must try to add one brick at a time, on every occasion in which we are called to go to the net.”

TRUST AND PATIENCE – In the shadow of the Dolomites, Mian immediately found his dimension: «I feel very comfortable, I think I settled in from the first moment. I love the tranquility that this city guarantees. And I also feel great with the team: in the gym we work effectively and professionally. As far as I’m concerned, there is nothing better that an athlete could ask for.”