The Itas Trentino men’s market, European champion, records its first incoming operation. To strengthen the 2024/25 squad to be entrusted to Fabio Soli, we start from the second line, with the hiring of the expert Nicola Pesaresi; the thirty-three year old from the Marche region will complete the libero department, alongside Gabriele Laurenzano to make the fundamentals of reception and defense even more effective.
Pesaresi is in fact an athlete who knows the Italian top division very well, having played there for eleven seasons in a row with the shirts of Verona, Civitanova and Milan, before moving down a category in the last year and living as a protagonist in a Serie A2 championship in Brescia culminated with the victory of two trophies (Italian Cup and Super Cup). The statistics describe his qualities well: Nicola is in fact the second player who has achieved the highest number of perfect receptions in the last twelve years of SuperLega (1,225 – only Salvatore Rossini has more), a period in which he recorded an average of 25% in the same fundamental. He also boasts considerable experience in the international field, gained both with Lube (the club where he grew up) and with Verona and Milan, clubs with which he won a Challenge Cup in 2016 and 2021 respectively, and also in the national team. It was against Trentino Volley that he won the most important trophies of his Italian career in 2017: the Italian Cup and the Scudetto, won by overcoming the yellow-blue team in the final when he wore the Lube shirt.
“Trento is a great club, I am grateful to have received its call and to be able to be part of this group of players which, already looking at it from the outside, has always seemed very close-knit to me – were the first words as a Trentino Volley player for Nicola Pesaresi – . It is a very important added value and I will be happy to offer my 360° contribution, not just on the pitch. I spoke to Fabio Soli a few days ago and he explained to me in detail what he expects from me for next season. My role will be to share with the team the over ten years of experience that I boast in the top Italian championship and to support my teammate Laurenzano, a young talent on the rise. He will be at his side to try to give him peace of mind and to make him grow further. It will be a different task from what I had previously during my career, but I am happy to carry out it and I fully shared the requests of the Club and Coach.”