Three is the perfect number and Sarroch and Andrea Leccis designed it together, renewing mutual trust for another season.

Andrea comes from an exciting season from a personal point of view, in his first season in A3 he demonstrated with his actions that he can carve out his space, but, above all, he showed how wide his margins for improvement still are. A season awaits him in which he will be able to work to grow and try to achieve good goals with his Sarroch.

“I am excited to embark on my third season with the Gialloblu shirt and I thank the club for the trust they are placing in me. In these last two years I have learned a lot from the coaches and my teammates, with whom I have also developed a great friendship. This year I will aim to grow further, listening to Coach Camperi’s advice, comparing myself with new teammates and experiencing new adventures with the old ones. I am sure that with the right determination and good team spirit we will bring many results to Sarroch. Greetings to the fans, see you soon!”