This time the protagonist of the post says it all, he left us nothing to add!

For the eighth season Simone Mocci will be the Commander of our second line.

“By now I have almost lost count of the seasons played here in Sarroch and I am happy to be able to say that we will spend another year together!

I’m happy that we managed to reach the goal of survival last season, this makes me even more motivated and excited for the next adventure. The season that just ended helped me grow in character and understand the level of the championship I was entering for the first time. I’m trying to prepare myself as best I can physically, starting now, to improve my performance on the pitch and to help the team achieve future goals.

It may seem almost repetitive, but the bond I have established with the players who have been with the team the longest, the staff, the management and the fans, is one of the reasons that pushes me to confirm my presence here every year. I can’t wait to get back to the gym to meet some of the new coaching staff and my new teammates, to create a united group that allows us to play to the best of our abilities. Those who have known me for a long time know that for me I never lack motivation in the gym and having the opportunity, also for next season, to compete in the A3 championship is a great stimulus. I will take advantage of the next few months to prepare as best I can and recharge my batteries for future commitments, waiting to return to the gym to work with the whole team.

In the decisive matches of last season the crowd really made the difference, encouraging us and giving us the determination necessary to overcome even the moments of difficulty. I am sure that the support of our fans will not be lacking next season and for this I would like to thank them personally!