“With great satisfaction we announce the renewal of the Parmareggio brand’s partnership with Modena Volley, confirming a collaboration that has continued for 14 years” – declared Maurizio Moscatelli, CEO of GranTerre.

“Parmareggio, today one of the main brands of the GranTerre Group, will once again be alongside the yellow-blue company to once again share and carry forward together the values ​​of sport, tradition, connection with the territory, with an eye always oriented towards innovation and development and great attention to young people who represent the future and the new strength of our realities – continues Maurizio Moscatelli – These ideals historically unite us with Modena Volley, a protagonist of the sporting tradition, which plays an important role in the national and international sporting panorama. and has always been attentive to the education of new generations”.

“The one with Parmareggio – declares Andrea Sartoretti, General Director of Modena Volley – is one of our most long-lasting partnerships. We are happy to have at our side a very important local company that carries forward the same values ​​in which we both believe, with the hope that this collaboration can continue for a long time to come.”


The Parmareggio brand, with the range of products present in the entire Modern Distribution, has for years been a reference for consumers in the Parmigiano Reggiano and butter market and the first company in the sector to have communicated the values ​​of its brand through a television campaign. The ability to innovate was a determining element which allowed, through intense research, to develop new products and above all new opportunities for consuming Parmigiano Reggiano.