In the name of ambition. And in the name of Riccardo: Cengia and Mian. From Thiene’s central defender to Palmanova’s spiker: Belluno Volley officially presents two more players destined to enrich a high-profile board for the Serie A3 Credem Banca championship.

UNIVERSAL – Cengia has no doubts: «Belluno is the best place to grow, on a sporting level, but also on a human level. I expect to achieve excellent results from a personal and team perspective.” The center back who grew up in Padua, and with a past in Bari, is almost 2 meters tall: «I believe I am a feisty and “universal” player, in the sense that I adapt to situations. My best fundamental? The wall. In the gym I’m hyper competitive; on the outside, anyone’s best friend.” The competition will be very high: «It’s better this way, it will help me improve. I will give my all in every training session to prove my worth to myself and to others.” Not just volleyball, Cengia is a mechanical engineering student: «And this is a tough period – he smiles -. Next week I have an exam, two more in July. Vacation? Just a few.”

COMPETITIVE BADNESS – For his part, Mian can’t wait to get started: «I like working in a certain way and at Belluno Volley I find the ideal conditions. I am a very calm person, I love simplicity. But I want to bring grit, determination and competitive determination to the pitch.” The former Motta and Reggio Emilia player has already amply demonstrated that he has non-trivial qualities in attack: «I try to take advantage of my arm, but I don’t neglect reception and defense. I know I will have to fight, also because the spikers in the squad are all good.” The (almost) twenty-six year old from Palmanova is an all-round athlete: «In the summer I swim, run and I love cycling, while I follow basketball and tennis, as well as motors». The objectives are clear: «The A2 is everyone’s goal. We will try to reach him.”

AVAILABLE FOR SACRIFICE – The sporting director, Alessandro Carniel, chose the two athletes without any hesitation: «For the central team, we needed a profile like that of Cengia. He is young, with important potential that has not yet been fully expressed. Regarding Mian, I know him well: we won the championship together four years ago. He is a “hitter”, we are happy to integrate him into a roster of this type. In general, the two Riccardos are available for sacrifice and work.”