Leonardo Ferrato continues his journey in Belluno Volleyball. Arriving just before the Christmas holidays, he contributed to turning the corner on a season that began with some hesitations for the Biancoblù. In a high-speed 2024, as evidenced by the second place achieved in the last round of the regular season and the arrival in the playoff semi-final, “Leo’s” fuel proved to be decisive.

UNDERSTANDING – «I stayed because of the ambition and modus operandi of the company and all the people who are part of it». Once the adventure in Ortona ended, Ferrato chose to take the Dolomite route. And it didn’t take him too long to find an understanding with his new teammates: «Last season proved to be very positive. We created a good group and this allowed us to work well in the gym and gain some great satisfaction.” There is one aspect that the setter intends to underline. And “transport” into the 2024-2025 year: «It is the awareness achieved during the playoffs».

STUDY AND ENTERTAINMENT – Now, however, the director originally from Padua will unplug a bit. At least from playing volleyball, because there is certainly no shortage of extra-sporting commitments: «How will I spend the summer? First of all studying and then having fun with my friends.” Born on Christmas Day 2001, “Leo” grew up in the Kioene youth academy, with which he also made his debut in the first team, and also shone with his own light in blue, in the youth national teams: in particular, in the Under 2020 selection, with who wore a silver medal around his neck at the European Championships four years ago, while in 2021 he won gold at the Under 21 World Championships. And, to complete the “collection”, the Under 22 European Championships. As a club player, however, he played on the A2 parquets wearing the shirts of Motta and Ortona.

VERSATILITY – Precisely in Abruzzo, he showed off an uncommon versatility, if it is true that, even in the unprecedented role of high ball attacker, he managed to maintain a high performance. And, in one match, he scored 23 points: in line with a real bomber. But the rhinos will not make demands outside the script. Ferrato, who in the next and now imminent year will have his back covered by Francesco Guizzardi, is simply called upon to develop his volleyball: orderly. And effective: «We want to improve last year’s result – he concludes -. In short, to win.”