Another salvation clash is coming for the Gialloblu of Sarlux Sarroch, expected on Sunday on the pitch of the Stadium Mirandola. Opponents who have only collected four points in the seven matches of the second round and will arrive at the next match with the anger of those who urgently need to score points. Romoli and his teammates had a better run as, in this second part of the championship, they took fifteen of the twenty-four points available.
Coach Angius presents us with the next commitment:
“Compared to the first match, now Mirandola has a more varied game, before there was a lot of load on the opposite player, now, using the four positions more, the setter Quartarone, a very experienced player, distributes in such a way that Albergati does not go into overload. They have shortened the bench, they alternate the liberos, they have grown a lot in the last period.”