Vice Giannelli for next season is official.
Sir Susa Vim Perugia announces the purchase of setter Francesco Zoppellari who closes the control room available to Angelo Lorenzetti.
Twenty-seven years old in ten days, 185 cm with good dribbling technique, ball exit speed and good vision of the game. This is the identikit of Zoppellari, born and raised in the flourishing “cantera” of Padua and immediately a protagonist with the various youth national teams. Followed by four seasons in Serie A2 which were very important for growth on the pitch equally divided between Club Italia, Civita Castellana, Spoleto and Lagonegro, a year in the Belgian Serie A at Lindemans Aalst then the return to Padova in the Super League where Zoppellari spent the last three seasons always ready and decisive whenever he was called into question. Now for Francesco, who boasts an A2 Italian Cup in 2018 (won with Civita Castellana at the PalaFlorio in Bari just when Perugia won its first Italian Cup) and a gold at the Universiade in 2019 with the blue shirt, the call of Perugia. To which it was impossible to say no.
“The reason that pushed me to leave Padua – says Zoppellari – is simply that when the opportunity to play in Perugia arrives, which is like telling a footballer to go and play for Real Madrid, an opportunity arrives that you have to grab quickly. . In fact, I didn’t think about it for more than a second and I immediately accepted. Perugia represents the top of Italian volleyball in the last 10 years. I’ve faced it many times, I’ve always faced a team full of champions like next year’s will be. And every time in Perugia, in the Perugia stadium, I breathed a unique atmosphere. The warmth of the fans, the noise of the fans… I’ve only experienced it as an opponent and honestly I’m very excited and excited to be part of the team next season.”
Next season which will see Zoppellari in the role of deputy Giannelli.
“It will be an honor for me. If Perugia has made history in the last 10 years, the same can be said of Simone because for 10 years he has been on the most important stages and is objectively changing the rules of the game for the role of the setter.”
Francesco is a team man. You can understand it well just by hearing him speak.
“Personal goals? I am at the complete disposal of the team, the staff and the club. I’m like that as a person, I’ll definitely be like that next year too and I’ll do my best to help the team. These are my personal goals because the main thing will be to achieve the team goals.”