ErmGroup Volley Altotevere is the name of the company that for the third consecutive season will take part in the Serie A3 Credem Banca championship, keeping the organizational structure of Pallavolo San Giustino intact. Why was the name change necessary? “This is a passage that has become obligatory – underlines Claudio Bigi (in the photo), managing director of the biancazzurro association and recently new president of the Alta Valle del Tevere section of Confindustria Umbria – because the A3 is beautiful and stimulating, but if we want to remain at high levels it is necessary to expand the dimensions and think from a district perspective, ensuring that the current ErmGroup becomes a team recognized by the entire valley and beyond and that is able to create appeal on brands willing to invest in it an ambitious project. On this last side, I can guarantee: we have created a framework for volleyball activity and set up an organizational chart such that we have not precluded any goal. Being called Volley Altotevere therefore means continuing the growth path and taking on the role of a leading company in the local area with regards to the high levels of this sporting discipline”. Will the senior team continue to play home matches of the Serie A3 championship at the San Giustino sports hall? “Certainly! It has always been “our” system, which in terms of capacity and other credentials meets all the best requirements. However, we await a clear response from the municipal administration of San Giustino, whether it is truly interested in preserving the home of great volleyball and guaranteeing a service to all the girls and boys who have chosen this sport!”.