All very beautiful!
Of course, it didn’t count in terms of ranking, but Sir Susa Vim Perugia-Itas Trentino played yesterday in Pian di Massiano and ended with the Block Devuls winning 3-1, it’s a match that will remain in the memory for quite a while. For the quality of the two teams on the pitch certainly, but above all for the record number of spectators which arrived among other things in the first full capacity match at PalaBarton.
4918 spectators, a beautiful, engaging environment, a wonderful view, a festive atmosphere that infected those on the field.

“Yesterday’s crowd at the stadium – says coach Angelo Lorenzetti – is a sign of attachment, loyalty and humility of these people. People who have won in the past, but who, in a game that was a great match but with virtually no meaning in terms of ranking, wanted to be present in the stands to cheer. I think there is something to learn from these three values, the coach first and the whole team behind it.”
“I like this number”, confirms president Sirci. “4918 is a high number, but also a new record to try to beat in the future. Yesterday was a match that didn’t count for the rankings and seeing all these people, all this enthusiasm and above all a very active crowd with Sirmaniaci and Curva Nord absolutely engaging really makes us proud. I’m happy, I won’t deny it, the full stadium means that we are doing something that interests people and makes us understand that we are working well.”
Having said that, the match must also be analysed. A match obviously a little conditioned by the positions in the standings already secured for both teams. A match that had both interesting ideas and moments of very high level volleyball. A match that Lorenzetti frames in this way.
“We need to use the right words. I don’t know if it was a real match, they earned first place in the standings early and the fact of being able to play the Champions League without the pressure of the regular season and they rightly managed themselves. For our part, honestly, preparing it during the week wasn’t easy because, while we needed to play without having the Champions League, we didn’t know how our opponents would take to the field. Inside the match, which I don’t know how much it is worth in absolute terms, there were good things and things that I didn’t like at all.”