A performance full of grit and determination is needed to overcome a Conad team that arrives at Game 3 on Sunday at San Filippo with a dangerous mix of wonder and enthusiasm. The Emilians chose to give space to young people in the first phase of the Italian Cup and they brought to Bigi all the freshness and desire to do well which instead was only glimpsed in the Lombard sextet, now forced to reset and start from scratch to demonstrate to deserve the second level towards the Final Four. Cuneo, Cantù and Prata have already qualified for the quarter-finals, and from May 1st Siena, Grottazzolina, Porto Viro and Ravenna will be added. And the Toucans’ objective is precisely the rematch with Siena: if all goes well, in fact, Atlantis will meet the Tuscans in the quarterfinals in game 1 at San Filippo on May 1st and in game 2 on May 5th.

Coach Fanuli will most likely confirm the Volley Tricolore roster with Sperotto directing diagonally with Gasparini; the explosive Guerrini and Suraci high ball hitters, Caciagli and Sesto in the center with Torchia in the second line. Marks and Preti ready to raise the wall if necessary.

The coach from Brescia resumed training on Tuesday and has his entire roster of athletes at his disposal: Tiberti at Klapwijk, Abrahan and Cominetti at the band, Candeli and Erati at center with Pesaresi free. On the bench ready to lend support are Ferri, Franzoni, Sarzi Sartori, Braghini, Mijatovic, Ghirardi and Bettinzoli.

Roberto Zambonardi is determined: “I have no doubts about the outcome of game 3. We analyzed the approach to last Sunday’s match and regained concentration to find the right rhythm in training. We want to continue our journey in the Italian Cup and we will demonstrate it to the public who will support us at San Filippo with the same warmth shown throughout the season.”

Kick-off at 6pm. Pre-sale open on Vivaticket. Checkouts open at San Filippo from 4.30pm. Live streaming on the Volleyball World TV platform.

PREVIOUS: 20 (10 successes each)
EX: Roberto Cominetti in Reggio Emilia in 2021/22; Mattia Catellani in Brescia in 2018/19

Record of the day
In the 2023/2024 Season all competitions:
Stefano Ferri – 10 points at 100
Abrahan Alfonso Gavilan – 15 successful bouts in the 400

All competitions in career:
Alex Erati – 5 winning serves at 100